Whitfield Consulting Services (WCS) has won some exciting new contracts recently, including demanding work at a nuclear power station and bridge strengthening in Shadwell, London.
Substation & cable route design for Wylfa nuclear power station
Wylfa Magnox nuclear power station is currently undergoing decommissioning, a process that will take some years. Far less electrical power will be needed than previously, with future requirements met via a completely new system. UK Power Networks Services (UKPNS) were asked to oversee and turned to us for civil engineering design of the new 11kV substation required.
Anything near a nuclear facility involves the kinds of exacting standards of care and safety WCS brings to our design solutions. The unique challenges of this site include its harsh exposure conditions on the North Wales coast and the integration of the new substation into the existing cable infrastructure beneath the existing reactor building.
Bristol Airport substation
UKPNS have worked with WCS on many projects and have clearly come to regard us as a trusted partner; when they needed civil engineering design on another 11kV substation, they turned to us again. The ultimate client in this case was Bristol Airport, with power drawn from Western Power Distribution (now absorbed into National Grid). These projects always present unique challenges; the substation in this case will be constructed in an extremely restricted site and into sloped land at the rear, requiring the design of retaining structures and the risk of complex foundation solutions that WCS are working hard to simplify for our client.
Morris Street bridge strengthening
We recently completed a civil engineering design project involving Network Rail and a rail bridge at Morris Street, Shadwell, London. WCS was called onsite after a few significant defects were encountered and reported findings to Network Rail. The severity of defects was such that Network Rail, had to impose speed limits to the railway lines. As part of an initial site visit, WCS identified multiple further defects to the external edge girders. External main girders were found to have further holes to the web and significant section loss to the existing bearing stiffeners.
Due to lack of record information, WCS carried out further inspections and investigations, which were also informed to the Network Rail’s assessment team, undertaking assessment of the bridge. WCS carried out design of the permanent repairs for both the edge girders, however due to time constraints of the possession, it was agreed that only one girder will be repaired. WCS also carried out temporary works design for propping the other edge girder, such that the speed restrictions could be removed.
The work has already been carried out by our client, main contractor J. Murphy & Sons for Network Rail and delivered successfully within the agreed timelines.
Cleaner rolling stock for Northern Trains
On three separate lines, Northern Trains decided to upgrade from existing diesel locomotives to Battery Electric Multiple Units (BEMU), both to lower the company’s carbon footprint and reduce energy costs. Once again, we were asked to carry out the civil engineering design by our client, UKPNS.
This project is at an early stage, with the full scope yet to be determined. Currently, WCS have been assisting our client with their GRIP 3 stage report, identifying potential risks, key civils constraints and preliminary design for substations and cable routes.
Providing electricity for 6,000 new homes in Welborne Garden Village
Recently, the government provided funds for the development of 14 Garden Villages, with Welborne, near Portsmouth, among the sites. Garden Villages, similar to New Towns, are all-in-one communities, so power will be needed for shops, schools, factories and other places of works, as well as thousands of homes. Buckland Development is overseeing this ambitious project and turned to WCS to provide the civil engineering design of the new 132kV substation that will provide the power.
Our role will be for the complete engineering design, from overseeing surveys and a ground investigation, through concept and on to detailed design.

If you have any questions about WCS, please visit our contact page.