View some of our recent projects for –
Rail: Power & Electrification
Rail: Power & Electrification
Powering HS2 in North London
WCS are providing surveys and detailed civil engineering design for two 33kV cable circuits delivering power to the HS2 substation at Old Oak Common.
Northern Trains BEMU
GRIP 3 stage report, identifying key civils constraints and preliminary design for substations and cable routes for Northern Trains’ proposed replacement of diesel rolling stock with Battery Electric Multiple Units (BEMU).
Midland Mainline
WCS provided Grip stage 4 & 5 detailed design of the upgrade needed to the existing OLE infrastructure and power system that will enable the operation of 6 additional Electric Powered trains per hour between St Pancras Station and Bedford stations.
Surveys and Design for Network Rail and Greater Anglia
Working with Network Rail, main contractor J Murphy & Sons and Andromeda Engineering, WCS was asked to partner on a project to replace a number of Power Supply Points to the southern portion of the Great Eastern Line.
Kent and Sussex Earthing renewal
Instrusive surveys and desktop studies on CP6 Design Services Framework.
Lineside Switching Platforms
WCS have carried out the survey and design of 70 lineside switching platforms across the Greater West programme of works.
Intercity Express Programme Doncaster Depot Power Upgrade
A power upgrade for a crucial train maintenance depot in Doncaster.
London Underground Power Upgrade
The detailed design of approximately 10km of cable route including 22kV feeders and associated fibre route.
Great Western Electrification Programme
Provision of design and checking services on the biggest UK electrification project of the last decade.
LUL Power Upgrade Package 4
A New Bulk Supply Point and associated 52km of HV cable route for the LU power upgrade.
High Speed One Power Quality
Design co-ordination and management for the civil engineering sub-contractor on the High Speed One project in Kent.